Adults: Kaiwhakatere

Adults - At Safe Network we help adults who are struggling with, or have concerns with sexual thoughts about children or young people, providing a pathway to improved wellbeing
Kaiwhakatere Navigator programme
Safe Network's Kaiwhakatere Navigator programme is a world-leading service, designed specifically for those adults who are experiencing concern or distress about their sexual thoughts involving children or young people. They will not have acted on this thinking and may not be at any real risk of doing so, but are wanting to lead more positive lives where their concerning thoughts are better managed and less likely to undermine their wellbeing.
We recognise the fears that people may have about being judged or publicly exposed if they disclose they have sexual thoughts about children or young people. At Safe Network, our Kaiwhakatere Navigator clients receive individual therapy only and we are committed to the highest levels of client confidentiality.

“Our goal is to ensure you can lead a safe and healthy life.”
Within the Kaiwhakatere Navigator programme Safe Network can offer the following targeted services:

“Safe Network provides a rigorous, non-judgemental service that helps clients change their ways of thinking and behaving so they can move on towards a more positive future”
What is the process?
We want to make sure you get the help you need. Safe Network's Kaiwhakatere Navigator programme is open to self-referrals and does not require a referral from a health professional or any other agency. Fully funded by the Ministry of Social Development, there is no charge for anyone who joins the programme.
The first step in the process is to complete a referral form.
Adult Concerning Sexual Ideation Service Referral FormOnce we receive the referral form, we undertake an initial review to identify whether Safe Network's services are right for you, and how best we can help meet your needs.
If we think Safe Network can help, we meet with you and undertake a more detailed assessment, looking at the sexualised thinking that is causing you concern, the impacts it is having on you, your strengths and challenges, and the things in your life that support or undermine your wellbeing. If you are being supported by whanau, family members or other professionals we also engage them in this process, but only with your permission.
The assessment process can vary depending on the client but usually involves the following steps:
STEP 1 - Two or three interviews with you and any support people
STEP 2 - Review of any additional information and reports you provide from other agencies or professionals
STEP 3 - Completion of psychometric and psychosocial questionnaires
Once the assessment process is complete, a detailed and confidential report is provided to you, confirming whether or not Safe Network's service is suitable for your needs and recommending next steps.

If you agree to take part in the Kaiwhakatere Navigator programme, you will be assigned one of our specialist clinicians to provide therapy and manage your progress through the programme. The duration of therapy will vary based on your needs, but is typically around six months. Therapy generally involves weekly one-to-one appointments with your clinician.
Our goal is to work with you so that when you complete your programme you are able to lead a safer, more balanced and healthy life with positive connections to family/whanau, friends and the wider community.

Making a difference
Moana*, a 28-year-old woman referred herself to the Safe Network's Kaiwhakatere Navigator service as she was distressed about the sexual thoughts she was having about young children and she did not want to end up harming a child. READ MORE Moana had experienced trauma in her life and we worked with her on building up those things that protect her, increasing her life satisfaction, and identifying strategies to prevent her acting on her concerning thoughts. Following the completion of her therapy, Moana was able to better manage her anxiety and she successfully formed more friendships so she felt less isolated and lonely. She finally found the confidence to move away from her home town and was able to retain employment for the first time in many years. READ LESS
Kyle*, a 40-year-old male was referred to Safe Network by a health professional because he had concerning sexual ideation that was causing him distress. READ MORE The impact of this ideation along with other factors had caused him to become unemployed and disconnected from family and friends. During his intervention Kyle identified healthy strategies to implement when he noticed unhelpful thinking that contributed to his social anxiety and feeling of low self-worth. At the end of his intervention, Kyle had strategies in place to manage his thought processes, was gainfully employed, had improved relationships with family members and supports, and was actively attending support groups. READ LESS