
Whanau & Caregivers - Safe Network engages and works with those in the client's life who can support them during and after their time with us
It can sometimes be difficult to know what is age-appropriate behaviour and whether or not someone's behaviour is concerning. The following are signs of harmful or concerning sexualised behaviour:
- it differs from the behaviours of other children of the same age
- it continues despite efforts by adults to discourage and stop it
- other children or adults complain about the child's sexual behaviour or are adversely affected by it
- it is directed at you or other adults.
- it appears targeted at younger children or anyone more vulnerable
- it continues despite efforts by adults to discourage and stop it
- other children or adults complain about the young person's sexual behaviour or are adversely affected by it
- it involves accessing, producing or distributing sexualised images of children or other young people online.
- it appears targeted at someone under 16 years old or someone else in the family
- it involves accessing, producing or distributing sexualised images of children or other young people online
- they are in contact with children or young people online and may be grooming them.

“Our son now has direction and is looking forward to the future. He is also much wiser in choosing friends”
By providing a safe environment, we help our clients work through those things driving their behaviours and learn new ways to express themselves and meet their needs without engaging in further concerning or harmful sexual behaviour.

Safe Network's services
Safe Network's team are specialists in working with concerning and harmful sexual behaviour, working with clients and their families to help them understand their child's or family member's problematic sexual behaviour and what triggers it. We help families make sense of the feelings and the experiences they are having, and the impacts the behaviour is having on them and others. We help you move your family and whanau towards a safe and healthy life that is free from harm.
We work with adults and youth who have engaged in contact (hands-on) behaviour and/or non-contact behaviour in public or through the internet and other social media.
We also work with children who display sexual behaviour that is unusual for their age or causes others to be concerned, uncomfortable, confused or hurt.
Our specialised services include:
Children's services
Safe Network offers a specialised clinical assessment and invention service for boys and girls aged 5-12 years who have problematic or concerning sexual behaviour.
While it is normal and healthy for children to engage in sexualised behaviours appropriate for their age, some behaviours may be age-inappropriate or make others feel uncomfortable, confused or hurt.
Children's Services Fact SheetYouth services
Safe Network offers a specialised clinical assessment and invention service for young people aged 13-17 years who display concerning and harmful sexual behaviour.
Sexual development is one of many areas of change for adolescents. Adolescents engage in and display a range of sexual behaviour that is healthy and normal for their age. But when it is harmful, action should be taken to address the factors that have caused that behaviour.
Stopping concerning and harmful sexual behaviour in adolescents may require specialist help that directly addresses their developmental needs in an age-appropriate way.
Youth Services Fact SheetAdult services
Safe Network offers a range of services for adults who have concerns about their sexualised thoughts or have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour towards children or young people. We also work with adults who may not have engaged in physical behaviour towards children but have groomed young people online or have accessed, distributed and produced child sexual abuse images and films through the internet and social media.
Adult Concerning Sexual Ideation Service Fact Sheet Adult Harmful Sexual Behaviour Service Fact SheetWe offer:

All of Safe Network's programmes are flexible and adapted to the client's developmental stage, culture, gender, and preferred communication and learning styles. We work with:
- boys / men
- girls / women
- gender diverse youth and adults
- neuro-diverse youth and adults
- children, youth and adults with special needs
- children, youth and adults from different cultural and language groups.

What is the process?
At Safe Network we want to make sure you get the help you need. The first step in the process is to complete an appropriate referral form.
Children's Services Referral Form Youth Services Referral Form Adult Concerning Sexual Ideation Service Referral Form Adult Harmful Sexual Behaviour Service Referral FormOnce we receive the referral form, we undertake an initial review to identify whether Safe Network's services are right for the person referred, and how best we can help meet their needs.
We then conduct an assessment, looking in more detail at information about their history and the sexual behaviour causing concern. The assessment will typically cover a range of areas including personality traits, strengths, resources available to support them, current issues and barriers they face, the effects and impact of their sexual behaviour on themselves and others, the safety of everyone concerned and the overall needs of the family, support network and community.
Family members and partners are part of the assessment process. The effects of the concerning or harmful sexual behaviour, the safety of others and the needs of the family are all important factors for consideration.
The assessment process can vary depending on the client but usually involves the following steps:
STEP 1 - Two or three interviews with the person referred and key family members or support people
STEP 2 - Collection of information and reports from other agencies or professionals who may be involved
STEP 3 - Completion of questionnaires by the client, family members or support people.
Once the assessment process is complete, a detailed and confidential report is provided, confirming whether or not Safe Network's service are suitable for the client and recommending next steps.
Subject to confidentiality provisions, a copy of this assessment report and recommendations will be provided to you and any referring agency or other appropriate people.

If our recommendation that the client takes part in one of our programmes is accepted, they will be assigned one of our specialist clinicians to provide therapy and manage their progress through the programme. The duration of therapy for our clients varies based on each client's needs, but is typically around six months for children and twelve months for youth and adults.
Expected outcomes
Our goal is to work with clients to ensure they and their families are able to lead safe and healthy lives. When a client has completed their programme at Safe Network, we expect that they:
are able to have safe intimate and age-appropriate relationships with others
will no longer engage in concerning or harmful sexual behaviour
connect positively and gain acceptance as a safe, responsible member of their family, whanau and community
are living a safe, healthy and balanced life.
Research indicates that around 95% of adults1 and 90% of adolescents2 with sexually harmful behaviour who complete one of Safe Network's services will not engage in any further harmful sexual behaviour.
1 | Community Solutions for the Community's Problem: An outcome evaluation of three New Zealand community child sex offender treatment programmes, by Ian Lambie and Malcolm Stewart, 2003. |
2 | Recidivism and risk factors in adolescents with Harmful Sexual Behaviours, by Ian Lambie et al, 2014. |

Making a difference
Referring a family member to Safe Network or having them take part in our programmes can seem daunting for whanau and caregivers. We understand that and are committed to providing you and your family with a responsive, respectful and effective service that gives you hope for a better future. We will work with you throughout the process, supporting you and seeking your feedback on progress being made and the services we are providing

Safe Network fact sheets
Introduction to Safe Network Fact Sheet Children's Services Fact Sheet Youth Services Fact Sheet Adult Concerning Sexual Ideation Service Fact Sheet Adult Harmful Sexual Behaviour Service Fact Sheet